This morning:
Sofia: Mommy come here...NOW (just a little bit bossy)
Me: Excuse me?
Sofia: come here, I need you
Me: where are you?
Sofia: in the bathroom
I go find her
Me: yes honey, what is it
Sofia: LOOK
Me: at what?
Sofia: No, look in the potty
Silly me, I go look
Me: congratulations honey, but you really do not need to show me that you can poop on the potty anymore (she has been doing this nearly 3 years)
Sofia: No, but look how big it is....
Me: Wow honey, that is great but really no need to show me anymore
Sofia: Can I get a sticker?
Me: No
Sofia: Well can I have a snack then?
Me: fine
Seems like I thought we might have passed this stage already.