Oh my goodness, the weekend flew by! While I love a fun-filled weekend, I also rather enjoy a lazy, slow day. Well, there simply was no time for lazy or slow this weekend!
Friday night I hit the gym after work then headed over to Sofia's school for her cheer club performance. Sofia had 3 little friends spend the night. Honey and I ate random dinner and just watched tv.
Saturday morning I started the day with an 8 mile run, made pancakes for all the little friends and then we rushed out the door to soccer!
This is Sofia's first year to play up on the 10-14 yr old soccer team. I was a little worried she might not get as much play time as last year. Well, that worry was wasted as she played the entire game and came very close to scoring a goal. The coach loves her hustle and endurance! Never mind she's the smallest one on the team! Their team name is the Hot Tamales and they won their first game!
And this is how Honey enjoys soccer games.
After soccer, we headed home to prep for Sofia's Easter party and egg hunt with her neighborhood pals. They dyed eggs and then had a hunt. I highly recommend the Kool-Aid for dying eggs! It smells so good! The shaving cream technique is fun but not as successful as I thought it would be.
Saturday night, Sofia slept over at a friends house and Honey and I headed out for dinner. We went to
Pomo Pizzeria and it was SO yummy! They cook the pizza in a 905 degree oven so it takes less than 2 minutes to cook each pizza. The crust is thin and crispy ( I hate thick crust) and the sauce tastes amazing. If you are in PHX and looking for pizza, this is the place to go!
This guys job was to put the pizza in the oven, spin it around and then take it out. They all spoke only Italian and were very interesting to watch.
After pizza, clearly we needed dessert so we headed to
Rita's Ice Happiness for gelato/custard. Y'all I have never had this but it was amazing! They put a little custard in the bottom of the cup, add in your choice of gelato (I chose mango) and then top it off with more custard! The combo is heavenly! Honey had his blended together like a blizzard but it was not as good as mine!
On Sunday we had our standard riding lessons, house cleaning and errand running. I went to Walmart and decided I needed these (in red):

The dispenser is glass and the 32oz cup is plastic. I already have the smaller cups but wanted this bigger version for work. It keeps me on track with my water consumption for sure!
Aladdin has SO many products at Walmart. You can check the out
Sofia had a great riding lesson! She is getting so good with her posting during trotting. She had zero corrections yesterday and that made her beam from ear to ear!
I think that about wraps it up! I crashed at 9:30 last night and started the day at 4:20 this morning with a run. I'm already tired!
Do you like busy weekends? Hope your week is fantastic!