I don't think so. Not my normal outfit planning. I'm sure we had something a little more "western" at home. Oh well, that's what happens when you just get in the car and drive!
Sofia and I enjoyed this little old town. Sofia especially like this huge horse statue. It was pretty empty since most of the shops were closed but we still enjoyed it. Just looking for some new places to visit.
Saturday Sofia and I went to a little Old Town area and toured the little shops and had ice cream at Ben & Jerry's. Clearly she had chocolate. I had Chunky Monkey. Yummy!
Every Friday is show and tell for Sofia's school. Last week she took a scrapbook page of her and Buttons (our dog) and shared a story. Today she took her My Twinn doll, Mia. Since Mia was dressed in her horseback riding gear, Sofia decided she should wear her riding clothes to school too. So she wore her riding pants, boots and just a pink polo to match Mia's pink shirt. they both also wore their hair in matching pony tails. The teachers just loved it! Sofia told about riding horses and that she got Mia for her birthday and that Mia has green eyes like Sofia and they have a lot of matching clothes!
Gymnatics class. The started off on the rings and bars today. Sofia is doing really good, she is really strong. She just needs to slow down so she does not rush the other kids or get in their space too much!
More Gymnastics fun! She is really loving it. Today she also saw her friend from school who is in gymnastics at the same place, right after her!
Little bit of Wheels on the Bus from Tap on Friday. She seemed semi-interested. She has said that tap is her favorite part. She has also now stated that she would rather go to gymnastics twice per week and not go to ballet. We will see about that in October, when this session is over.
This morning I got Sofia dressed and I said, I like your outfit because it has chickens on it. She replied, "what chickens?". I told her she had chickens all over her shirt and she said, "no I don't, they are Roosters!" Well, excuse me! She wanted me to take a picture of her with her library book so that is why she has the book.
So people always tell you your children either look like you or your spouse, etc. So here is your chance...Who does she resemble the most? Mommy or Daddy???
You look so cute today! I love this outfit and had forgotten about it since it is a 6 (saving for next year), but I was cleaning out Sofia's closet yesterday and decided I would have her try it today. So glad I did. It is shorts but I thought it was pants (which is why I assumed it would be way too big). So I just had to take a pic on our way to school.
It's a mouse. In my garage. YUCK. Sofia and saw it yesterday while cleaning up in the garage. I was squealing, she was squealing. Ugh, I hate rodents (bugs, spiders and reptiles too). Anyway we tried to get it out of the garage but were unsuccessful. So today I am going to buy some mouse "food". YUCK!
This week has been Teddy Bear (or other stuffed friend) Week at Sofia's school. So today they had a Teddy Bear tea party. There were several stations set-up around the room such as: make-up and nail polish, bonnet making, teddy bear stuffing, teddy hospital and face painting. As well as lots of yummy snacks. I was really impressed that there were so many parents there (even lots of dads). I believe almost every child had at least one parent and I was able to introduce myself to Sofia's friend Logan's parents. We had snacks and I put make-up on Sofia and painted her toes purple. We also put a band-aid on her rabbit. She made the bonnet and the bear and then it was time for me to head back to work. Now this morning when I left her at school, she did not cry. I told her if she cried, I would not come back for the party! But of course, when it was time for me to leave the party, she started crying and wanting to go home. Oh dear, I hope this passes soon. So the new school year is off to a great start! I also learned today, no costumes at school at all for Halloween or Fall Festival. Darn. That is my favorite.
Sofia had her first "real" gymnastics class yesterday at Aspire Gymnastics ( http://www.aspirekidsports.com/ ). WOW. This place is huge and the instructor was really great. She had a really good time. The class is 55 minutes long and when she came out her head was wet with sweat! The started off in the small kids area with balance beam work (forward, sideways and backwards). She fell once because she was trying to rush through it too quickly. They then moved on to tumbles, low bar flips and hand stands. Next they went out onto the main floor where all the big kids were. I was shocked! The parents get to go upstairs and look down through viewing windows. There must have been 100 kids of all ages at least on the floor. Sofia and her group got to practice running on the trampoline and jumping into the "pit"--the large hole filled with foam that the kids fall down into from the rings and high bars. She was having a blast. I am so impressed with this facility. Afterwards she wanted to pick out a new leotard so we went into the pro shop and she picked out a purple velour with silver firework-type splashes of color all over. I was not able to take tons of pictures due to the glare and then upstairs I did not take any, will do so next week.