Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

Well, we celebrated the New Year low-key at home with a yummy steak dinner, some fireworks and s'mores! We made it till about 11:15 before falling asleep so we celebrated with the East Coasters! Hey, I had been up since 4:20 - I was DONE!

Now, it's time to get serious. Yes, I stay active all year and eat pretty well most of the time, but I always use the New Year as a chance to start fresh. 
This year, we are starting fresh in a big way! We are going Paleo and/or gluten free.
We are starting with the Whole30 and then after the 30 days, will continue with Paleo but add in a few Gluten-free options. I continue to struggle with weight-loss, despite working out 8-9 times per week. So there must be another way to help. Having read Wheat Belly and with the knowledge that I already respond best to diets that cut out carbs, I feel like the Paleo will be the best, healthiest bet for myself. Honey is on board cause he wants to get back to his Summer 2012 weight - which is the same as me! I have about 25 lbs I am looking to lose and I think honey is hoping for about 20. I've been reading tons and pinning tons (thank heaven for Pinterest) and I think I am ready. 
What about Sofia? Well, she will be offered Gluten-free options of some of her favorites and will also see a decline in carbs.  Breakfasts will be a lot of eggs (which she loves) and some fruit (this will be a problem) and her lunch will be healthy versions of lunch meat and some Gluten-free options. 
While none of us have any medical problems we hope to see turned around by going Paleo/Gluten-free, it will be interesting to see how different we feel after the first 30 days. We've cleaned out the pantry and I'm grocery shopping tomorrow. We officially start on 1/5/14. Yes, I wanted to wait for bowl games to pass, lol! 
As far as fitness goes, I will attend Orange Theory 4x per week and I've already signed up for another half marathon in March. So I'll running 4-5 days per week in addition to OT. 
Here's to an active New Year!
What about you? What plans are you making for the New Year?

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