Monday, April 27, 2009

Look Through My Window

Look Through My Window and Who (or what in this case) Do You See....

I am sure we all have a favorite view from our house. Maybe it is looking out at the ocean (I wish), a beautiful field, the city lights or just a great backyard.

I thought it would be fun to "look through each other's favorite window" to see what you see. So inside your home, what is your favorite view and why? Thought I would try my hand at a Mr. Linky -- but that is just too hard! So be sure to leave me a comment that you have posted (or just link back to my post) and then I will share the list of everyone on Friday.
Create a post with a picture taken looking out your favorite window in your home and tell me why it is your favorite! Then come back here and link up for everyone to see!

My favorite: I have 2 windows in the stairway and when I walk out of my bedroom, I can see stgraight out of them to the beautiful mountains beyond the huge blooming Palo Verde Tree. It is just amazing when the sun shines thrrough or even if it has been raining on cool days to see the fog rolling off the mountains. Makes me happy to think that I am fortunate enough to live in this beautiful neighborhood with a roof over my head and a job that can provide for my family. I am truly blessed. This view is often filled with planes going over the mountains, smoke from wildfires and even the occasional hummingbird visiting the tree. It really is a beautiful view.

Hope to be able to look through your window soon!

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